How to create documentation website#


Install sphinx#

Add sphinx and Read The Docs (RTD) theme (better than default theme) to dependencies.

poetry add --group dev sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme

Run the quickstart#

Sphinx provides a “quickstart” script to init the docs’ website.

  1. Go into đź“‚ docs folder

  2. Run poetry run sphinx-quickstart:

    • say yes to separate source & build

    • add project name, etc

Folder organization#

Now you have two subfolders in đź“‚ docs:

  1. đź“‚ build will contain html generated files.

  2. đź“‚ source which contains:

    • configuration file for the website

    • index.rst: the “home” page of the website, in the rst language (similar to Markdown, but different)

In the đź“‚ docs folder you have Makefile and make.bat (for Windows), two files for defining commands.


Poetry config#

Go in Makefile & make.bat, and edit the command to launch sphinx by replacing sphinx-build by poetry run sphinx-build (it should be somewhere in the first 10 lines)

Edit the theme#

Replace html_theme = "alabaster" by html_theme = "sphinx_rtd_theme"

Add root folder to path#

Root folder needs to be in path, otherwise Sphinx will not find your modules.

Add this code to to add root folder to path:

import sys
from pathlib import Path

## add root folder to path
filepath = Path(__file__).resolve()
root_folder = str(filepath.parent.parent.parent)

Build the website#

Add the modules pages to the index#

This must be done only once. You must add the modules pages to the index: the goal is for your generated files to appear on the website.

Edit index.rst and add one line containing modules.rst (be careful to respect indentation):

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2
   :caption: Contents:


Generate pages from docstring#

Go to the đź“‚ root folder .

Use sphinx-apidoc to generate pages from docstring in src module, and generate the pages in đź“‚ docs/source:

poetry run sphinx-apidoc src -o docs/source

Create the website#

Go to đź“‚ docs folder.

Build the website#

Run this:

make html

Clean output files#

Between two builds, run this to clean all output generated (useful if you removed things, so they do not appear in the next build):

make clean

See the website#

Open docs/build/html/index.html in your browser and voilĂ !